Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cartoon: Ya its rough , I rather call it RAW

Here is the first stab at animating my characters. Its rough and this has been a one man show (so far). I always thought animation was a difficult hustle but never had an idea all the hard work it takes to animate, especially fluidly (something this animation lacks). This is the beginning of something special...

Through this all I found out that I am not an actor, my voice and acting is up to par with Jean Claude Van Dam... meaning no good. Hey any of you guys think you have the chops to act hola at me! The people I have in mind are my beautiful girlfriend Steph, Dave (my bro), and Alex (what up foo!). And before anyone says anything yes I intentionally left the mouths out, I have to lip sync the mouths to the voices.

This took about a month to do, sleeping about 4 to 5 hours a day.

My influences are all reflected in this cartoon, to name a few. Bruce Lee "Fist of Furry", Gorillaz animation, Hip-Hop not Rap (yes there is a B.IG. difference), Sergio Leon (Spaghetti Westerns), One of my characters has a green shirt its a shot out to Jim Henson's Kermit, plenty more that I don't even know about I'm sure.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Color line up

Here are the color versions of the characters. It's really coming to life, its beautiful seeing my project being born.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Vintage Pix

I had to go olds chool with this image!