Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Put em' on blast

A.P.E. Pix

Had a great time in San Francisco A.P.E. (Alternate Press Expo) was dope. If your a fan of comics you have to go!
I met Keith Knight one of the realist and funniest cats out there.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Alter Ego

The number one rule as a kid is that you can always play after the chores are done. My mom would yank me out of a street game of tag football just for me to take out the trash.

If you think our hero (played by Chicles) looks familiar to El Chapulín Colorado you guessed right.

Why do we as adults separate our heroes from childhood heroes? I recently revisited my favorite childhood cartoons and I am amazed that I used to get nostalgic when I would think of certain cartoons. Like the fact that the Smurf's only had one girl in that sausage-fest filled town, or that Pepe Le Pew was a freaking stalker/rapist, or that Juan Camaney movies where almost soft porn, but some still remain funny and admirable in my adulthood. And that is El Chapulín Colorado! It's still funny, ya the props in the show are cheesy, the production value is crap but well written and great delivery.

Big ups to some of my favorite characters that still shine bright: Yoda, Kermit, Clint Eastwood, Atreyu from the Neverending Story, La India Maria, Cantinflas, Surpentor from the o.g. G.I.Joe cartoon, Batman, John Elway, Bruce Lee, Dino-bots from transformers, A Tribe Called Quest... wow Im having allot of fun writing this list.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Get em!

I made some promotional zines for A.P.E. Im looking forward to seeing what it has to offer.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Freakin' Bela

I love Halloween, I seriously think it should be a national holiday. Lets replace Labor day for Halloween? Seriously Labor day sucks!

I started writing this entry as a diss, but it slowly became props!
Thank Bela Lugosi for creating the Dracula archetype. All the popular characteristic's came from his performance. He was the reason why I dressed as Dracula about 5 times when I was a kid. I hated you then, nothing but love now.